Saturday, December 8, 2007


yesterday we went to kennedy space centre, which is at cape cannaveral. its where all the space shuttles are launched, and all the american rockets have been launched in the passed (including the apollo missions to the moon in the 60s). we arrived at about 9:30 and went straight to the bus tour of the complex. the place is gigantic, because it is not just a museum etc, but actually where the rockets are assembled, where the astronauts train, and everything is controlled from! the tour took us to the saturn v hanger, which is where they house an unused saturn v rocket. the saturn v is the largest type of rocket ever flown and when u see it, it looks even bigger. it is on its side, and the engines at the base are about 4 stories high!!! its incredibly long and is separated into its different stages so u can see it better.
when we left here we went to the international space station building where there was a short movie and a mock up of the space station. that was ok, but the best bit here was seeing the creation (through large windows) of actual sections of the space stations!
then the tour went back to where we started. we went on a shuttle launch experience ride which wasnt that great, and saw an imax movie about the moon.

oh yeah, and they postponed the shuttle launch so we didnt see it :(
as u have probably noticed im a bit of a space geek...

today we left early from our hotel and drove for 5 hours up north to charlston. this is a really old city which has lots of small streets and tightly packed buildings (in the historic district). its hundreds of years old and really beautiful. they have 'horse and carts' driving up and down through here. so far this is the nicest part of america ive seen; if i were to live in the usa, it would be here. the houses are big and many are on the beach :)

tomorrow we are driving further north to williamsberg which was originally the capital city. this is another long car drive, before reaching washington dc the following day :D

still no pictures as im too tired to attempt loading them now...

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